[imp] spell check <-> database?

Sheeri Kritzer sheeri.kritzer@tufts.edu
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 17:06:41 -0400

Hey there,

This is either so basic a question that I missed it in the FAQ, or sufficiently complex that it doesn't belong on this list, or nobody's thought of it.  

Uesrs are complaining that when they spell check, it doesn't remember their "Ignore All" settings -- for example, every time i write a message, it spell checks my name.  Users want the spell checker to "remember" what their preferences are.

Is there a driver for this?  We already have database uses for turba, horde and imp preferences....it seems likely that someone's implemented this.  Sorry if it's too in-depth an issue for the IMP list.

-Sheeri Kritzer
Systems Administrator
University Systems Group
Tufts University