[imp] Problem with viewing of attached images in HEAD

Emily A. Carl emilyac@wanet.net
Sun, 18 Aug 2002 20:42:00 -0700

With my Netscape 4.77, if I click on the attachment .jpg link in my test
email message (view.php actionID=VIEW_ATTACH), and View->Page Info in the 
new Netscape window openned with the raw jpeg data displayed, I see that 
Netscape  thinks the "File MIME Type" is text/html; it should be 
image/jpeg to be displayed as an image (launch viewer application 
assigned in the browser).

Note that when displaying the original email message with the .jpg 
attachment, the attachment is displayed with image/jpeg as follows:

Part(s):  <image.gif> 2 20011215_1.jpg image/jpeg  45.48 KB <download.gif> 
My Opera 6.02 and Netscape 6.2 show the same raw jpeg data as in Netscape
4.77 but I have not figured out how to view page information on the
newly openned browser windows like I am able to in Netscape 4.77.

> Regarding HEAD branch:
> There are some problems with viewing of attached images with Mozilla (1.1b) and 
> Opera 6.0.5). I.e. Mozilla shows undecoded imagedata and Opera doesn't show 
> anything. With IE 6.0 (2600) images are shown without problems. Inline viewing 
> of images work fine in all these browsers.