[imp] Using vinfo in IMP 3.1

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 10:39:08 -0500

Quoting Eli <eli@experthost.com>:

> Nobody has got back to me on this (I don't expect an answer like as if
> you're my students!, but...) and it's really important.  Once I solve

Sorry no one replied.  Not many of us do virtual hosting.

> > echo "vdomain: $vdomain\r\n";
> >
> >             if (getmxrr($vdomain, $matches)) {
> >                 $mserver = strtolower($matches[0]);
> > echo "mserver: $mserver\r\n";
> > It never echo's the 2 debug echos I put in there, and I even entered a
> > full "user@domain.com" username at the login screen, so I don't know
> > what's going on.

Just one comment, that may be irrelevent to your problems.

It is never really safe to stick echos/prints into the code willy-nilly.
If you're not sure where it is being called from, this could cause more
problems then any help it may provide.

Instead, I'd do something like call Horde::logMessage for debugging, and 
monitor your log files.  So I'd stick code like:

Horde::logMessage("some debug message", __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_NOTICE);

in there instead of the echo/print statements.

Other than that, I can't really help.  I don't use virtual domains in
Horde/IMP.  Hopefully someone else will.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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