[imp] Database error in imp

Joel Maxwell joel.maxwell@glooscap.go.ednet.ns.ca
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 17:24:29 -0300

I'm using imp version 2.2.6 for debian 3.0, and i get the following error 
I load up the webpage in one f the severalk windows (changes every refresh):
Database error: Invalid SQL: insert into active_sessions ( sid, name, val, 
changed ) values 
('b66a9ac6026533d36129c4f3a1e31679', 'HordeSession', 
7ICR0aGlzLT5wdCA9IGFycmF5KCk7IA==', '20020820150444.91279200')
MySQL Error: 1062 (Duplicate entry 'HordeSession-
b66a9ac6026533d36129c4f3a1e31679' for key 1)
Session halted.

Yesterday on a faster internet connection it produces the same screen on 
evry and sometimes every frame window.

What is this and how to fix it?

Joel Maxwell,
WWHCN System Administrator
program sig
// uses ggi, gtk, mysql;
        WriteLn('Content-type: text/plain');
        WriteLn('Our social strategy is lacking but it is the future,');
        WriteLn('it is what takes us away from the caves');