[imp] JavaScript error within IMP preferences

Brad Vedders veddebra@aquinas.edu
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:53:50 -0400 (EDT)

I'm using the most recent CVS updates of horde/imp and I am experiencing 
problems with the preferences within IMP on Internet Explorer.  When I 
click on "Personal Information," then "Edit your identities," and then try 
to select "Default identity" I get an error and my identity is not loaded.  
The error from IE is:

Line: 222
Char: 1
Error: Object expected
Code: 0
URL: https://mailbox.aquinas.edu/horde/imp/identities.php

I get similar messages when trying to setup accounts for external 
POP3/imap checking.  I have the problem with Internet Explorer 6.0.26.  It 
works just fine with Mozilla 1.0.


Brad Vedders, Network Systems Administrator
Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, MI 49506
=>phone (616) 459-8281 x3743
=>email veddebra@aquinas.edu