[imp] Imp Speed -- Need help looking for the bottleneck

Matthew J. Sullivan sullivan@mythos.cc
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 15:44:31 -0400

I was wondering if there was any guidance available for someone (namely me)
trying to figure why imp would be running so slowly.  Truthfully I don't whether
its imp, the horde database on mysql, or cyrus.  All I know is that if I click
compose in imp 3.1 it takes about 10 seconds for the window to pop up.  And
every link I click takes about ten seconds, pulling up e-mail, modifying
options, etc.  I thought at first it might be a connection problem from where I
am but even when I go on site and it 100Mbit connection between me and the imp
server it still seems to serve up pages at about 10s per page.  Any suggestions?

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