[imp] Redhat-PHP-MySQL Install answer

Ed Welsh ewelsh@uscentral.org
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 08:36:01 -0500

FYI for everybody, especially the newbies out there (like myself).

If MySQL is installed using the most recent RPMs (server, devel, and lib)
then it will be put into the directory structure different from how PHP
expects it to be.  For example:

RPM install:
/usr/lib/mysql (libraries)
/usr/include/mysql (headers)

PHP expects:
/usr/local/mysql/lib (libraries)
/usr/local/mysql/include (header files)

Even using the qualified path in --with-mysql=/usr will not get you there
because PHP still wants to look in /usr/mysql/include...  It automagically
slaps the ./mysql/lib and ./mysql/include onto the specified path.

The only way I could get the PHP compile to work with mysql was to copy all
my /usr/lib/mysql/* and /usr/include/mysql/* into a structure like
/usr/mysql/lib and /usr/mysql/include and then specify --with-mysql=/usr
during my ./configure.

After that the compile went; I did the happy dance and I now have saved
prefs and an addressbook in IMP...