[imp] Swap & Large Attachments

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 23:08:15 -0600

Quoting Vern-N <vern@cs.unt.edu>:

| IMP 3.1, Horde 2.1, UW IMAP 2002.RC3
| So you attach a large file, then you wait.... then you send and it
| dissapears, and your attachment doesn't go through...
| So I was watching memory use in top while troubleshooting attachments.
| Sending a 100MB file, I watched apache-ssl use up nearly 400MB peak...
| Then much to my surprise, I watched imapd use up 265MB peak... (after
| sending)

In the interest of not repeating everyone else... you really really really 
shouldnt be sending anybody a 100MB file.  There are other protocols out 
there (e.g. http or even ftp) that is _much_ better suited to pushing that 
kind of data.

| Perhaps there is some way to alter the system so that it can stream
| attachments to files on disk rather than page them out into system
| memory....  It seems like it would save a few blowouts...

Well, you would pretty much have to rewrite the HTTP protocol to implement 
this in a consistent way.  (And then you would have to convince Microsoft 
to implement it to please the large number of IE users out there...)  Then 
you would have to rewrite PHP.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder