[imp] Forward a message as an attachment

Kevin Collins K.J.Collins@hw.ac.uk
Sat, 31 Aug 2002 07:28:10 +0100

Hi Everyone,

Would there be much mileage in adding a forward-message-as-attachment 
feature to IMP?  At my site we get quite a lot of messages being reported 
to the abuse@hw address and we've managed to train the majority of our 
users to forward the offending message as an attachment.  This gives us the 
full headers of the offending message as well as details about who is 
making the complaint.  Without this feature we have a problem - either the 
complainer details are missing if they use the Resend function (unless you 
go digging into the headers to find the Resent-from lines) or you don't get 
the full headers of the message they're complaining about.  There are other 
uses for forward-as-attachment as well, such as re-distributing a message 
in its entirety but with comments from the original recipient.

I'm not sure about how this would work.  In Netscape messenger the forward-
as-attachment is set in the user preferences and I think that this would be 
a good place to have it in IMP.  An alternative would be to have a 'button' 
on the message display, beside the existing Forward 'button'.

I'll have a go at this second method unless someone has already achieved 
this. In which case... care to share?


Kevin Collins
Email Service Manager
Computing Services
Heriot Watt University,
Edinburgh, EH14 4AS
Tel: + 44 (0)131 451 3791 (Direct line)
Fax: + 44 (0)131 451 3261


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