[imp] What does conf.xml do?

Chris Hastie lists@oak-wood.co.uk
Sat, 31 Aug 2002 16:05:14 +0100

On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, Mike Cochrane <mike@graftonhall.co.nz> wrote
>> I'd figured it must be something like that, but couldn't find a suitable
>> admin section. And still can't :(
>> In horde/config/conf.php I have
>> $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('chris');
>This may need to be chris@realm (where 'realm' is the setting from servers.php)
>depending on your setup.

Yep, that did the trick. Thanks.

I still have a problem though, in the form of an error message and the 
following in the log:

Aug 31 15:58:59 HORDE_CVS [emergency] [horde] You need the domxml PHP 
extension to use the configuration tool. [on line 23 of "/usr/

I guess it's time to recompile PHP again. I've lost count of how many 
times I've had to do that to get Horde working. Is there a definitive 
and complete list of what I need to include anywhere? DOM XML is not 
listed in the horde/docs/INSTALL
Chris Hastie