[imp] imp spell checker

Andy Druda ajdruda@optonline.net
Sun, 01 Sep 2002 09:33:43 -0400

Web based spell checking is a bit different than you may be used to.  It is 
not "as you type".  After you finish composing your email press the spell 
check icon.  A box will open with pull-downs for all words that do not 
match the dictionary.  The pull-downs will be best guesses of what you 
meant to type.  Select the word you wanted make sure change (or change all) 
is selected and continue along until all the "document" has been corrected.


At 10:06 AM 9/1/02, Yair Naveh wrote:

>On my imp conf  file I marked  $conf['utils']['spellchecker'] = 'true';  I
>have  aspell and ispell
>When I compose a new mail the spell checker icon is on and it's seems to be
>running but I cant see any spelling correction
>Thank's Yair
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