[imp] SendMail .forward problem

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz@uni-bielefeld.de
Sun, 01 Sep 2002 22:12:52 +0200


> Yes, I know, but I installed sork forward and vacation module a few days
> ago.
> I discoverd that forward and vacation will overwrite same .forward,
> eg:
> .forward generated by sork forward module, may be overwrite by other
> .forward generated by sork vacation module later.  The forward module will
> not check the .forward file exist or not.
> So that, I want to config two .forwad in sendmail, one for forward module
> and one for vacation module,

No, sendmail will only handle one .forward file, unless you patch the
sendmail source. I do not recomment that.
Better way is to use a module that allows you to manage the vacation feature
and forwarding to other email addresses. As it is possible at same time it
should be only a small problem to solve.


Btw: you email address is not working!

Alexander Dalloz
Enger, Germany

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