[imp] View HTML-Mails with IMP and Mailbox size problems

Mike Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 15:52:07 +1200

Look at the php imap quota functions if you server supports quotas.

- Mike :-)

> ----- Message from f.bruch@postboot.de ---------
>     Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2002 13:18:03 +0200
>     From: "postboot.de (Florian Bruch)" <f.bruch@postboot.de>
> Reply-To: "postboot.de (Florian Bruch)" <f.bruch@postboot.de>
>  Subject: [imp] View HTML-Mails with IMP and Mailbox size problems
>       To: imp@lists.horde.org
> Are there any patches for viewing HTML-Mails or is it planned in the future
> to feature this?
> By the way, it seems as if
> $info = imap_mailboxmsginfo($imp['stream']);
> $size = $info->Size;
> only shows the size of the current folder e.g.INBOX itself or Trash etc.
> How can I get information about the whole mailbox including all folders?
> Florian
> ----- End message from f.bruch@postboot.de -----