[imp] accessing from a URL not a form

Dean Guenther guenther@wsu.edu
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 12:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings, I'm trying to do a login without using the form.
I saw in the archives discussion between Brad Vedders and
Tjeerd van der Zee and Tjeerd's snippit:

> <?
> $imapuser = $_GET['imapuser'];
> $pass = $_GET['pass'];
> $realm = $_GET['realm'];
> $imapuser = "$imapuser@$realm";
> print ("
> <html>
> <head>
> </head>
> <body bgcolor=\"#444466\" Onload=\"javascript:document.redirect.submi=
t()\" >
> <form name=redirect action=\"http://mail.xar.nl/imp/redirect.php\"
> method=post>
> <input type=hidden name=actionID value=\"105\" />
> <input type=hidden name=redirect_url value=\"\" />
> <input type=hidden name=mailbox value=\"INBOX.\" />
> <input type=hidden name=imapuser value=$imapuser>
> <input type=hidden name=pass value=$pass>
> </form>
> </body>
> </html>
> ");
> ?>

When I use this method, what happens is that it calls redirect.php
which in turn calls login.php (and css.php) and it displays
the login page with the imapuser filled in, but it appears
that the "pass" is not sent along. It gives a failed in login
message on the login page:

   Login failed for some reason. Most likely your username
   or password was entered incorrectly.

What am I missing?? -- Dean

Dean Guenther                   Internet: guenther@wsu.edu
Washington State University     AT&T:     509 335-0433
Pullman, WA. 99164-1222         fax:      509 335-0540
www & UNIX System Admin