[imp] Running HEAD and production side-by-side...

Chris Hastie lists@oak-wood.co.uk
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 18:50:08 +0100

On Fri, 6 Sep 2002, Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org> wrote
>Quoting Rick Emery <rick@emery.2y.net>:
>> So, I took the plunge and got the latest from cvs. Everything seems good
>> (I'm not completely finished configuring yet), but I notice under Options
>> there are additional preferences. I haven't tried anything yet, but
>> wouldn't I need to run the HEAD db scripts to create the preferences
>> tables with the new fields? First I would have to drop the existing
>> database, right? Does anybody know if IMP 3.1 will use the preference
>> tables for HEAD?
>The tables are no different; you don't have to drop or recreate anything.
If your asking about apps other than IMP I'm pretty sure there are 
differences in the Turba tables if you use an sql source, because I had 
to make some changes the other night. In particular, the addition of 
object_type and object_members to support lists, and object_pgppublickey 
if you want to store keys there.

Getting the Kronolith HEAD to work also required the creation of 
horde_categories. Or was it already there but I had to make changes to 
horde/conf.php to use it - I can't remember.

Chris Hastie