[imp] Re: Strange Imp problem. Only 5 messages per folder

Joe Filla imp@kahana.com
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 10:16:09 -0700


To summarize the problem. Each mail folder only show 5 messages, even though
there may be dozens or hundreds of mails. It displays: "1 to 5 of 5 Messages
" and I can only see 5 messages.

However (and here were it gets even stranger), when I click on any of the
five mails to read it, IMP displays in this format:
FOLDER_NAME: Subject of particularmail (1 of n)

In my case, when I click on the first mail (sorted by date) in my inbox:

INBOX: Oracle Test Registration information (1 of 27)

I can incrementally click through all the mail in the folder with the <>
graphics. This doesn't make any sense.

Thank you,
