[imp] can not delete messages from the messages-list

Wilmer Geovanny geov@tacteam.de
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 15:02:29 +0200

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When I mark a message and click on delete from the messages-list windos, I have
the following error message:

Beim Verschieben von Nachrichten in den Papierkorb(TRASH) ist ein Fehler
aufgetreten. Meldung des Email-Servers:: UID COPY failed: UID sequence invalid

Are there any important changes on the cvs?

~. Geovanny Guamán
~. TACteam GmbH Webmaster,  
~. http://www.tacteam.de
~. http://www.flyconnect.de

~. Schlesierweg 8
~. 24145 Kiel

~. [T] 0431-716864 
~. [F] 0431-7098981
~. [M] +49(160)97836579

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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: not available
Type: application/pgp-keys
Size: 1025 bytes
Desc: Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/attachments/20020914/c962e86a/attachment.bin

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