[imp] Newbie mistake..or real problem?
Niclas Söderlund
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 11:46:06 +0200
Hiya all,
sorry for this perhapse lame question. Ive installed horde and imp on my
Debian (3.0r0) machine. Everything seems to be running as it should, also
mySQL which ive choosen as database backend.
Now..Ive made changes to httpd.conf for apache so it will recognise the PHP
ending as a extension to be treated as it should. But when i point my
browser to my http://mysite.com/imp i get a request thru the browser to
download (!) the file instead..
Anyone up for a newbie-breaking? Id sure love to get my mailsystem up and
running via webmail aswell.
Regards and TIA,
|_|_|_|_| Niclas Söderlund
|_|_|_|_| "Musa sapientum fixa est in aure"
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