[imp] Dedicated Server Recommendations?

Chris Abraham chrisabraham@yahoo.com
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 11:21:12 -0700 (PDT)

Hey all:

I would like to ask you all if you could recommend some inexpensive-but-good
dedicated server hosts that I could hire to primarily run as an IMAP server
(IMP) but also run Zope/Pyhton-CGI/PHP4/MySQL/PostgreSQL?

I always prefer to ask Open Source people for this kind of thing because in
general, pricepoint is very important.

Thanks in Advance!


chris abraham <chrisabraham@yahoo.com> +1 202-452-7442 tel
po box 15163 washington, dc 20003-0163 +1 202-478-0276 fax