[imp] pear log class???

dadirtyluk dadirtyluk@gmx.de
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 16:04:28 +0200

hi there!

i'm messin around with the apache-php configuration for the horde/imp
package but i'm still not at the point i should be...

the last problem now is this log class of pear.

there was a thread about that not long ago,but i had some problems
understanding how the problem was solved.

what i need is the libphp4.so but i read that only the static module
works,in order to be able to install the log class afterwards, is that

and what happens when i use pear install log how long is this class
installed? forever? only for this session?

i know i should post this at the php or pear newsgroups but i thought most
of you should have had the same problem during installation.

best regards   dadirtyluk