[imp] MIME and misc. weird encoding formats

Sameh Ghane sw@anthologeek.net
Fri, 4 Oct 2002 09:02:06 +0200

Le (On) Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 05:13:24PM -0600, Michael M Slusarz ecrivit (wrote):
> Quoting Sameh Ghane <sw@anthologeek.net>:
> | Hi,
> | 
> | Is there any reason why an email with
> | Content-Type: text/html in its headers is not displayed in HTML ? I get
> | this
> | kind of code:
> | &lt;HEAD&gt;<br />^M
> | &lt;META CONTENT=&quot;text/html; charset=iso-8859-1&quot;
> | HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type&gt;<br />^M
> | 
> | So that the HTML source appears clearly, which is not really usable.
> I am assuming you are using IMP 3.1.  Anyway, IMP does some "cleaning" of 
> HTML attachments to prevent malicious attacks - there are a bunch of 
> threads in the mail archives, you should look there.

I am using IMP RELENG_3, so it's 3.2-cvs AFAIK. I was wondering about security
issues, and javascript cleaning but not HTML, I searched the mailing list
without success but I'll go on :)

> | IMP is unable to let me download anything but the first part (the HTML
> | stuff).
> | What's wrong here: IMP or PEAR'mime decoder ? And how can I tell ?
> IMP 3.x doesn't have very good support for multipart/alternative messages.  
> IMP CVS will correctly display this message.  BTW, there *should* only be 1 
> part shown for this message - a multipart/alternative content-type means 
> that a MUA should display the LAST part it can correct show.  IMP CVS does 
> this, and additionally will allow you to view/download the other parts (the 
> RFC says this is OK, although it is not mandatory).

Great! Will this be merged to RELENG_3 ? It looks like MIME handling changed a
lot between RELENG_3 and HEAD, so it is not trivial to merge it by hand.

