[imp] custom session handler, automatic remote login and integrationwith another session system

Thomas Jarosch thomas.jarosch@intra2net.de
Wed Oct 9 08:13:59 PDT 2002

> > - horde-session-mysql.patch:
> >   Patch for a custom session handler using mysql including
> >   some extra bits of code for the portal integration.
> I applied this patch.  The sessions are being created, and updated in
> the mysql table.  However, when I login ( imp logs the login success
> ) I am left remaining at the login page.  If I click on one of the
> modules from the horde menu bar, I still only see the login page.
> If I enter a direct URL ( http://host/imp/mailbox.php/ ) I still just
> see the login page.  Any comments / suggestions about trouble
> shooting this problem?

I suggest you disable all unnecessary session functionality
for finding the problem.

Try to change the following values in your php.ini:

session.use_cookies = 0
session.auto_start = 0
session.use_trans_sid = 0

Don't forget to restart apache after changing the values ;-)


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