[imp] message compose timeout

dduncan at bushmills.cord.edu dduncan at bushmills.cord.edu
Fri Oct 11 15:15:24 PDT 2002

Our users have mentioned that occasionally when composing a long
email message they will receive a timout message when they click to
send.  The message composition window closes so the message is gone
with out being sent (ie, lost).

Is this timeout a configurable parameter?

Our environment is:
Solaris 8
sendmail 8.11.6
apache 1.3.26
horde 2.1
imp 3.1
turba 1.1
mysql 3.23.51
php 4.2.2


Dennis Duncan                   dduncan at cord.edu
Network Manager                 
Concordia College               http://www.cord.edu
Moorhead, MN 56562              Ph: 218-299-4192 FAX: 218-299-3947

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