[imp] Re: timezone setting

Liam Hoekenga liamr@umich.edu
Tue Oct 22 13:32:32 2002

> I've got this stanza in my prefs.php:
> $_prefs['timezone'] = array(
>     'value' => 'America/Detroit',
>     'locked' => true,
>     'shared' => true,
>     'type' => 'select',
>     'desc' => _("Your current time zone:")
> );
> Yet, all of my mail is coming from the +0100 timezone instead of the -0400
> timezone.
> "America/Detroit" is a valid setting in horde/config/lang.php. Where does
> that correspond w/something "real"?  (How does Horde know that 
> "America/Detroit" is supposed to be -0400)?
> If I do a "date" command from my command line, it shows us being in the 
> right zone:
> Tue Oct 22 13:24:13 EDT 2002

Oh yeah... IMP 3.1, Turba 1.1, Horde 2.1, PHP 4.2.3, Apache 1.3.27, Solaris
(SPARC) 8.0
