[imp] IMP login problem

Derek J. Balling dredd@megacity.org
Fri Oct 25 21:54:44 2002

I found that (in HEAD), I was getting the following showing up in my 

Oct 25 16:34:32 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN to 
mail.byramhealthcare.com:143[imap/notls] as 
dballing_webmail_byramhealthcare_com [on line 164 of 

It seemed to be concatenating the webserver vhost to the end of the 
username that was provided to it.

I found that altering hooks.php like so solved the problem:

$ cvs diff hooks.php.dist
Index: hooks.php.dist
RCS file: /repository/horde/config/hooks.php.dist,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -r1.19 hooks.php.dist
<             return preg_replace('|\.|', '_', $_SESSION['imp']['user'] 
. '_' .$vdomain);
 >           return $_SESSION['imp']['user'];  // Derek Maybe?

and then the results looked exactly as they used to:

Oct 25 16:42:34 HORDE [notice] [imp] Login success for dballing 
[] to {mail.byramhealthcare.com:143} [on line 84 of 

But, why was that being called in the first place? Do I have something 
misconfigured that is causing that code to get called in a dorked 
manner? Help! :-)
