[imp] unserialize() failed in Tree.php / no identities

Richard Zuidhof rzuidhof@zonnet.nl
Thu Nov 7 14:04:33 2002

I have exactly the same problem as described in the archive. I did not see
any answers on it.

Notice: unserialize() failed at offset 5 of 55 bytes in
/testing/horde/imp/lib/Tree.php on line 404

The error occurs in the line marked with '-->'
        $serialized = $prefs->getValue('expanded_folders');
        if ($serialized) {
-->            $expanded = unserialize($serialized);
        } else {
            $expanded = array();
        $expanded[$folder] = true;
        $prefs->setValue('expanded_folders', serialize($expanded));


Besides, just as in the archived issue, I can not see the identies store in
the database. So they are created but do not show up. Neither the default
identity nor new identities.

IMP 3.1


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