[imp] how can I be sure of the version of c-client?

Hans de Groot imp@dandy.nl
Sat Nov 9 09:53:06 2002


I have compiled php with

I am quite sure it takes it's sources from there coz I made got an error
that it could not find c-client when I typed make install
so I added this:
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/kerberos/lib -L/usr/local/imap-2002.RC8
not sure if I need to add both but now it installed.

and still my php info screen tells me I have imap 2001.
and still I not get attachements.

what version of php go with what versions of imap

how come no one else has this problem?

I use redhat 7.

Is it at all possible to use the standard redhat imap server? and if so, is
there a c-client in the devel rpm?


Hans de Groot

Met vriendelijke groet,

Hans de Groot

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