[imp] Too many recipients

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Thu Nov 14 19:53:45 2002

Quoting Paul J <paul@myitcv.org.uk>:

> >Does anyone knows the number or recipients that a mail must have
> >to be displayed by IMP?

Never had a problem yet...

> >I've got the following problem: apache child exits when IMP
> >message.php have to show a message with a lot of mail address
> >in the header field To.

Could it be hitting a (configurable) php setting like max execution time
or max memory allowed?

> >Is it a IMP problem or PHP/PEAR problem?

Could be, or could be just a configuration setting in php.ini maybe?
Of course, I'd really like it if people didn't send email with that many
addresses in the headers, but I can't do much about that...

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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