[imp] Re: IMP 3.1 & Return Receipt or Delivery Notification

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Mon Nov 18 19:44:07 2002

Quoting Minh Thi Trinh <minh.thi.trinh@UMontreal.CA>:

> I mean between users of IMP ONLY.  Supposely you and I are using IMP 3.1 as
> email.  I want to get a delivery notification after sending you a message. It
> would then depend on you mail server which generates or not the notification,
> even if you also have IMP 3.1 installed on it?

I believe that is correct for delivery receipts (but not for read receipts).

In other words, read receipts are handled by IMP, delivery receipts are
handled by the MTA (sendmail, postfix, exchange, etc).
> I do not mentionned other email systems, as far as I know, Outlook would
> generate the return receipt to the sender when the sender uses IMP 3.1 to
> send message with the option Delivery Notification.

My understanding (which could be wrong) is that MTA (e.g. exchange) would
generate the delivery receipt,  and outlook (MUA) and/or exchange (MTA) 
could generate the read receipt.

In other words, I don't think IMP ever matters in delivery receipts, but
does in read receipts.  Anyway, I'm sure someone else on the list will
clear this all up with more authority than I can.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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