[imp] Problem with inline images (multipart/related)

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Mon Nov 25 19:30:32 2002

Quoting Jan Kuipers <jrkuipers@lauwerscollege.nl>:

| Regarding HEAD
| There is still a problem with viewing inline images in messages with a
| mimetype
| of multipart/related (Mozilla mail). I.e. when you set inline html
| viewing to
| true in mime_drivers.php the message is shown fine, but when you click on
| the
| multipart/related link, a new window opens, but _no_ images are shown.
| Setting
| inline html viewing to false, gives you only the link, so the regarding
| message
| can't be shown with the inline images. When I open the properties of the
| images
| in the inline view and the these in the separate window, there are
| differences
| in the id and mimecache variables, which do not exist when using MS-OE.

I can not reproduce this.  It doesn't matter if I turn html inline viewing 
on or off, none of the three ways you can view the contents of the part 
(e.g. inline, the link above the inline display, or the link in a 
multipart/alternative message) fails to display the inline image.

I sent the test message using Mozilla 1.2b.  I will send you a copy of this 


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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