[imp] Changing the login page.

eculp@encontacto.net eculp@encontacto.net
Mon Nov 25 19:44:07 2002

Quoting David Tice <dtice@wheatonma.edu>:

 | Hello to All,
 | I want to change the look of the login page to match the look and feel of
 | our ITS page.
 | ex at www.wheatonma.edu/it_s  .
 | Could someone tell me where I need to begin. I have seen MIT's login page
 | but I want to take it a bit further.
 | I have played around with the motd.php file but that will not give me what
 | I need.

There are many different ways to do this.  I have a set of variables in
a file horde/config/vdomain.php that I include in horde for each virtual 
domain that sets a different:

  o- theme
  o- a default lock value for the theme
  o- three images. (two for the login page and one for the horde summary page)
  o- A footer, copyright, etc. message for all pages.

I create a theme for each new virtual domain with values for the login page
that coincide with the modified horde/imp/templates/login/login.inc.
I have only modified a couple of template files the above login.inc that
is the most modified to allow new classes for the login page and I added
a login_header.inc and login_footer.inc that are included in the login.inc, 
horde/templates/common-footer.inc to include the footer/copyright message
variable from the vdomain.php file, horde/motd.php to include a small image
in the horde summary page and IIRC, that is all.

You should be able to just follow the last paragraph as you will only be
using one domain.  I've found that once set up it needs little maintenance
because the template files seldom change.

Some of the login pages can be seen at
Only the last one shows the small image in the horde summary screen.

I have started a very poorly written, short howto at
http://monarchhost.com/share/.  While writing this I just realized that
I missed a couple of things in the howto that I'll add as soon as I send
this.  I will also update the diffs.

Hopes this helps,


P.S. It is much easier to do than to explain;-)


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