[imp] MIME/inline problem

Justin Lumsden ab113943@telusplanet.net
Tue Nov 26 21:51:53 2002

I have IMP 3.1 running on Horde 2.1; configured using IMAP and SMTP, but am
having problems with messages being displayed inline.  I looked over the
mime_drivers.php and mime_mappings.php files in both /horde and /horde/imp
to make sure inline prefs were set to true.

When I send a message from IMP and then view it I receive the following

Date:  Sun, 24 Nov 2002 23:14:21 -0700 (MST)
From:  Justin Lumsden <jlumsden@klrha.ab.ca>
To:  jlumsden@klrha.ab.ca
Reply-to:  jlumsden@klrha.ab.ca
Subject:  Webmail
Part(s):   1 unnamed text/plain 0.08 KB

When I send an email from MS-Outlook to the same address and view it using
IMP I get the following header.  The body text I sent is not displayed
inline or as a link.

Date:  Tue, 26 Nov 2002 13:12:31 -0700
From:  Justin Lumsden <jlumsden@klrha.ab.ca>
To:  Justin Lumsden <jlumsden@klrha.ab.ca>
Reply-to:  jlumsden@klrha.ab.ca
Subject:  test

I'm running

Mandrake 9.0
Apache 1.3.26
PHP 4.2.3
Pear 4.1.0
MySQL 3.23.52
eXtremail 1.5.5

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Justin Lumsden
Computer Systems Technician
Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority #15

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