[imp] Horde/IMP Login

eculp@encontacto.net eculp@encontacto.net
Mon Dec 2 02:07:48 2002

Quoting Fernando Seijas <webmaster@slke.org>:

 | Hello,
 | Anybody know how to use a username in IMP without @example.com ? We would
 | like
 | to use only the username and not: username@example.com to login in IMP or
 | Horde.
 | How must be configurated the servers.php file?

If you are only using one domain name, I think you can just add the domain
name as the value of realm in the servers.php file.  If you have virtual
domains you will probably want to look at imp_hook_vinfo in either
horde/hooks.php or horde/imp/config/conf.php depending on the version
of horde/imp that you are using.  The function itself will be the same
only the location changes, IIRC.


 | Thank you in advance.
 | Fernando Seijas
 | Webmaster
 | --
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