[imp] Translating folders

Richard Zuidhof rzuidhof at zonnet.nl
Wed Dec 4 20:01:27 2002

Paulo Sousa wrote:
> Is there a way to show mail folders in other language??? I have many
> users with mail folders like "mail-trash","sent-mail", etc but i dont
> want rename this folders to my language.
I changed folders.php for this. That way you can translate folders if you
like by adding the translations to the language file. I only use this for
Trash because the IMAP-server wants that name but the users don't. The
foldernames for sent and drafts I have set in prefs.php. People do not
have imap access themselves so there is no chance it will become a mess
in our case.


<   _("View messages in ") . _(IMP::displayFolder($mailbox['value']))) .
<   _($mailbox['label']) . '</a>';
>   _("View messages in ") . IMP::displayFolder($mailbox['value'])) .
>   $mailbox['label'] . '</a>';
<   $name = _($mailbox['label']);
>   $name = $mailbox['label'];
<   if ($name == _($mailbox['label'])) {
>   if ($name == $mailbox['label']) {

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