[imp] Re: imp Digest, Vol 235, Issue 3

Craig Richardson crichard at maccs.mq.edu.au
Fri Dec 6 00:01:49 2002

Hi There,

Andy, is this session timeout you refer to in the php.ini file the
session.gc_maxlifetime variable???

Also I've been running IMP successfully for a couple of years now but only
recently forced everyone to use SSL to connect.  Now I have had some people
complain about being logged out without warning.  I have looked at the MIT
help page for their IMP installation and suggested to people that they leave
their inbox open so that it refreshes and keeps their connection alive.

I have one machine that runs apache/php/mysql/ssl and IMP is running off
that.  It is also running samba and netatalk and ftp for my centre so its
NIC is pretty busy (although the server load is pretty low).

What are the best avenues to explore to increase the amount of time people
are logged in for, my session.gc_maxlifetime is 1440 which is 24 minutes
however with the inbox left open people can stay logged in for longer than

Is this perhaps something to do with SSL loads, if so can these be
lengthened or is this a case of perhaps getting a dedicated server to host
IMP so there is less traffic.

I have about 50 people use IMP but they use it as their primary client, ie -
it would be good if they can be logged in all day.

Thanks for any advice.

On 6/12/02 7:00 AM, "imp-request@lists.horde.org"
<imp-request@lists.horde.org> wrote:

>> Dear All,
>> I received the following email from a user of our Horde+IMP framework:
>> ========================================================================
>> Feel free to classify this as a bug or feature request. Basically, I
>> have spent 20 minutes writing an email last night. I've sent it off and
>> it seemed to have gone OK. When I tried to check my mail, it asked me to
>> log on again. Timeout, fair enough. But, it actually didn't send that
>> email! Nor did it inform me that there was a timeout, or at least offer
>> me a chance to save the text. This should be improved, IMHO.
>> ========================================================================
>> Any thoughts on this?
> Increase your session timeout to something your users shouldn't exceed.
> I've got mine set to 3600 seconds (1 hour).  How you do this depends on
> which version you are using.  For Horde 2.1/IMP 3.1, edit the session
> timeout in your php.ini file and restart Apache.
> Andy

Craig Richardson, BSc
Systems Administrator
Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science
Email : crichard@maccs.mq.edu.au
Phone: +61 2 9850 6730
Fax : +61 2 9850 6059
Office : C5A409 

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