[imp] possible bug in imp head

Travis Read travisr at rave.iinet.net.au
Sat Dec 14 14:33:59 PST 2002

I've recently setup horde/imp from cvs and have found it runs really well,
however, one of my clients got an email with was sent to 200+ people with
their email addresses all put in the To: filed. IMP has been unable to
display the email. Other than the fact the To: field has a truckload of
email addresses in it I can't find anything else strange about the email.
The email has been written in basic HTML as per outlook express...
The email is 12K in size.

The error I get is from my proxy cache:

The requested URL could not be retrieved


While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

Zero Sized Reply
Squid did not receive any data for this request.

Your cache administrator is webmaster.

Generated Sat, 14 Dec 2002 06:29:06 GMT by pluto.readfamily.id.au (Squid/2.4.STABLE6)

Have I made some really stupid mistake or is there a bug in the code if
you have lots of addresses in the To: field?

Thanks for your time,

Travis Read

" there is a war going on, it's not about who has the most bullets,
         it's about who controls the information " - SNEAKERS

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