[imp] High Availability / Load Balancing

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Dec 17 14:53:24 PST 2002

Quoting Lee <lee@disinfo.com>:

> We use DNS round robins to distribute load equally based on DNS
> sequentially resolving each of the servers in the round-robin. Although
> this continuous round-robin is nice, we could approximate the same
> distribution by choosing a server only once (when you first load
> http://webmail.myorg.com). When a user then hits the target horde
> implementation, horde would rely on the actual server name:
> http://webmail1.myorg.com, http://webmail2.myorg.com, or
> http://webmail3.myorg.com.

Sure, you can just fiddle with the server_name parameter.

> Theoretically, when a user adds an attachment (uploads it), horde could
> create an array called attachments[1] = "path/to/file/uploaded" (like
> wise for a 2nd, 3rd etc... attachments). When the use then clicks the
> send button, the send funtion(s) try to attach the files that are store
> on the server. If the files are not there, horde just uses its
> attachments array to re-upload the files and attach them.

Uh, no. Browsers can't just suck files off of someone's hard drive at will.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
 - Google, thanks to Harpers

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