[imp] Question about UTF8 and email encoding

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Dec 23 14:28:37 PST 2002

Zitat von Santiago Romero <sromero@servicom2000.com>:

>  I'm using IMP 2.x and I've received some messages containing
> strange 2-byte characters. Those messages were written from the
> webmail of myrealbox.com, and received in IMP.
>  I imagine that those lines are UTF8-encoded... In order to see
> the correct characters, should I change anything in IMP or is a
> web-browser problem? (I.E. just install utf8 codepage in explorer
> or something like that?).

Messages can only be viewed correctly in the charset your language uses. But
you should have a link in messages with another charset that allows you to
display the message in the correct charset, as long as your browser supports it.


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