[imp] PGP - a key that throws a spanner in the works

Chris Hastie lists at oak-wood.co.uk
Mon Jan 6 16:50:14 PST 2003

Having just installed GPG and set about trying to get it working with
Imp, I've hit a number of problems. Several of the worst seem to relate
to Imp not being able to handle the key I'm trying to use.

The obvious manifestations so far (I haven't got as far as trying to DO
anything yet:(  ) are the complete failure to accept my passphrase, and
errors when attempting to view details of the public keys. These appear
to be related.

I've tracked the passphrase problems down to verifyPassphrase() getting
an error when calling encrypt(). I suspect this is related to the
problems with viewing the public keys details.

Viewing details of my public key throws the following Notices:

| Notice: Undefined index: name in /usr/local/www/mail/data/horde/imp/pgp.php on line 26

| Notice: Undefined index: email in /usr/local/www/mail/data/horde/imp/pgp.php on line 32

both of which appear to relate to _printKeyInfo() attempting to use a
value of 'public_key' for $email.

The key that I'm trying to use was originally generated with PGP 6 on
Windows and has a couple of features that I suspect are confusing

First, it has revocation signature (sigclass 1f), and in the output of
gpg --list-packets this appears ahead of the first :user ID packet:

Secondly, it includes two identities, both of which have the same email
address, the difference coming in the Name given.

Whilst I can export a version of the key with only one identity, I can,
it seems, do nothing about the revocation signature.

Stripping the key down to as far as I can I still get the following from
gpg --list-packets:

:public key packet:
        version 4, algo 17, created 945032388, expires 0
        pkey[0]: [1024 bits]
        pkey[1]: [160 bits]
        pkey[2]: [1024 bits]
        pkey[3]: [1023 bits]
:signature packet: algo 17, keyid 3E9F46A3FA2334D3
        version 4, created 946486124, md5len 0, sigclass 1f
        digest algo 2, begin of digest 66 2c
        hashed subpkt 2 len 5 (sig created 1999-12-29)
        hashed subpkt 7 len 2 (not revocable)
        hashed subpkt 12 len 23 (revocation key: c=80 a=17 f=82B16BF8E91FE975DD86E72958193423AED8D6B0)
        subpkt 16 len 9 (issuer key ID 3E9F46A3FA2334D3)
        data: [160 bits]
        data: [157 bits]
:user ID packet: "Chris Hastie <chris at oak-wood.co.uk>"
:public sub key packet:
        version 4, algo 16, created 945032388, expires 0
        pkey[0]: [2048 bits]
        pkey[1]: [2 bits]
        pkey[2]: [2047 bits]
:signature packet: algo 17, keyid 3E9F46A3FA2334D3
        version 4, created 945032388, md5len 0, sigclass 18
        digest algo 2, begin of digest cc 20
        hashed subpkt 2 len 5 (sig created 1999-12-12)
        subpkt 16 len 9 (issuer key ID 3E9F46A3FA2334D3)
        data: [160 bits]
        data: [159 bits]

The key in question is 0xFA2334D3 (which I notice on the key servers
actually has three identities using the same email address)
Chris Hastie

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