[imp] Init Script for ImapProxy

Harry Hoffman hhoffman at ip-solutions.net
Thu Jan 16 08:25:30 PST 2003

Also, I changed the Makefile to stick the imapproxy config in /etc. This is why
it doesn't specify a config file in the script.


Quoting Harry Hoffman <hhoffman at ip-solutions.net>:

*> Hi,
*>   For linux:
*> #!/bin/sh
*> #
*> # Imapproxy (in use with IMP)
*> #
*> #
*> # chkconfig: 12345 90 10
*> # description: Imap proxy btwn IMP & IMAP server
*> # Harry Hoffman <hhoffman at ip-solutions.net>
*> case "$1" in
*> 'start') su - -c /sbin/imapproxy imapproxy;;
*> 'stop') pkill imapproxy;;
*> *) /bin/echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }" ;;
*> esac
*> HTH,
*> Harry
*> Quoting neilh at mail.datasolv.net:
*> *> This may not be the place to ask, but I was wondering if anyone had an
*> init
*> *> script for ImapProxy so it could be started at boot-up.
*> *>
*> *> Any help would be appreciated.
*> *>
*> *> Thanks in advance,
*> *> Neil H
*> *>
*> *>
*> *>
*> *> -------------------------------------------------
*> *> This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/
*> *>
*> --
*> Harry Hoffman
*> ITSS Systems Team Leader
*> University of Auckland
*> hhoffman at auckland.ac.nz
*> hhoffman at ip-solutions.net
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Harry Hoffman
ITSS Systems Team Leader
University of Auckland
hhoffman at auckland.ac.nz
hhoffman at ip-solutions.net
*This universe shipped by weight, not volume.*
*Some expansion may have occured in shipping.*

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