[imp] PGP question

Rick Emery rick at emery.homelinux.net
Wed Jan 15 19:30:52 PST 2003

When I receive a PGP signed email from someone not in my addressbook (from a
mailing list, for example), the signature is not verified. I have tried
pgp.mit.edu and search.keyserver.net for the public keyserver. Before tonight's
cvs update, I was getting

"Invalid email"

Now, I'm getting

"No pgpPublickey entry found for" followed by the person's email address

If I go to either pgp.mit.edu or search.keyserver.net and search for the email
address, there is an entry for this person on both sites.

Do I have something mis-configured? Where should I look to try to troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance,

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