[imp] Sieve-IMP Patch

Gary C. New garycnew at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 22 02:26:51 PST 2003

I recently discovered the sieve-imp patch that enables
sieve capable mail servers to include an auto reply
option with IMP.

I got the patch installed and it shows up fine under
IMP options, but when trying to add an auto reply it
does not do anything (not even invoke the
sieve-service).  I've tested my sieve install outside
of IMP and it seems to be working fine (telneting in
on port 2000 generates some syslog entries for seive).
 IMP should at least create a raw socket connection
with the sieve service, but does not according to the

I'm using the latest stable release of IMP-3.1.

Does anyone else have this patch installed and working
successfully with IMP-3.1?

I would appreciate any ideas and suggestions regarding
possible problems or solutions.



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