[imp] IMP customization - Need the menu.php3 to know who logged in : $imapuser variable needs to be passed..

Santiago Romero sromero at servicom2000.com
Fri Jan 24 09:42:06 PST 2003

En Thu, 23 Jan 2003 13:26:11 -0700 "Eric Robbins" <erobbins at westusa.com>

> I am struggling with 2.2.6 version of IMP.
> I need to build a menu link in menu.php3 based on the $imapuser
> variable(persons username from the textbox) from login.php3.  Due to
> the frameset that menu.php3 and login.php3 is in, menu.php3 does not
> have access to whom$imapuser is.

 I used $imp->user .

 Hope this helps.

Santiago Romero
Departamento de Sistemas
sromero at servicom2000.com

Av. Primado Reig 189, entlo
46020 Valencia - Spain
Telf. (+34) 96 332 12 00
Fax. (+34) 96 332 12 01

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