[imp] PATCH: User configurable attribution text with macros

Chris Hastie lists at oak-wood.co.uk
Fri Jan 24 09:24:08 PST 2003

On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> wrote
>Quoting Chris Hastie <lists at oak-wood.co.uk>:
>> I'm also aware that the meaning of the macros really needs to be
>> documented somewhere. Again, suggestions appreciated.
>I believe that you can now specify help topics for the prefs system, so you
>should include a 'help' attribute in the preference and a help entry. Ah,
>yes, example from imp/config/prefs.php.dist:

Thanks, that was just the thing I was after.

So modifying yesterday's patch, add a

'help' => 'prefs-attrib_text'

to the definition for $_prefs['attrib_text'] and then stick this into 
imp/locale/en_GB/help.xml. I dare say it's pretty similar in en_US, but 
not being a native speaker of that tongue I wouldn't like to commit 
myself ;)

<entry id="prefs-attrib_text">
     <title>Preferences: Message Composition: Attribution Text</title>
     Here you can enter the phrase that you wish to appear before
     any quoted text in a reply that you send.
     You can include one or more special placeholders to insert information about the message
     to which you are replying. Placeholders consist of a &apos;%&apos; followed by a single letter.
     The following placeholders are available:

     <para> %f : The sender&apos;s name and email address        </para>
     <para> %a : The sender&apos;s email address                 </para>
     <para> %p : The sender&apos;s name                          </para>
     <para> %r : The full RFC 2822 style date and time zone      </para>
     <para> %d : The date as www, dd mmm YYYY                    </para>
     <para> %x : The date in the locale&apos;s default           </para>
     <para> %c : The date and time in the locale&apos;s default  </para>
     <para> %m : The Message-ID                                  </para>
     <para> %s : The subject                                     </para>
     <para> %n : A new line                                      </para>
     <para> %% : The &apos;%&apos; character                     </para>


It's not as neat as I'd like, but as far as I can see there are no 
tables available in the help system (nor line breaks) so that's the best 
I could manage.
Chris Hastie

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