[imp] attachment corrupt

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Wed Feb 5 11:40:43 PST 2003

Quoting Bruno Negrao <imp-bnegrao at engepel.com.br>:

> Hi Eric.
> I just upgraded the php packages fro the version 4.2.2-8.0.7 and the prbblem

Like I said, I didn't think it would help.  But it does fix other bugs and
security issues, so it was worth doing anyway.
> What is the secret to send attachments with IMP?

* Correct install and configuration of Horde/IMP/PHP.
* No bugs in the OS/PHP.

> Are you able to do this in
> your configuration?

Yes, of course, as is almost every one else using Horde/IMP.  Very few
people have problems.  They are almost always tracked down to configuration
settings in php, Horde, or IMP, or permission problems on the file system.

> bruno.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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