[imp] Problem with attachments and VFS

Didi Rieder adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
Wed Feb 5 19:01:39 PST 2003


when I try to send a message with an attachment > 1Mb the recepient gets the
message but the attachment is 0 Bytes in size.

I noticed that after uploading the file it doesn't get inserted in to the
horde_vfs table, but horde debug tells me:

Feb 05 18:54:45 HORDE [debug] [imp] SQL Query by Horde_SQL::insertBlob(): query
= "INSERT INTO horde_vfs (vfs_id, vfs_type, vfs_path, vfs_name, vfs_modified,
vfs_owner, vfs_data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" [on line 129 of

No message in apaches error_log.

from my php.ini 
memory_limit = 16M
post_max_size = 8M
pload_max_filesize = 8M

I'm using mysql-3.23.55-max with InnoDB

Even though I'm using vfs there are some impatt* files in my /tmp where do they
come from?

Thanks for any hint


Didi Rieder
adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
PGPKey ID: 3431D0B0

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