[imp] PATCH: IMP_ACL_rfc2086 - things I learnt yesterday!

Adam Tauno Williams adam at morrison-ind.com
Wed Feb 5 21:36:01 PST 2003

>>> *   Warnings include more detailed information about what the problem
>>>     was. Hopefully this will make further debugging easier.
>>Great, but please replace double with single quotes where possible (see
>>Eric's addition to CODING_STANDARDS).
>OK, here's my revised patch, cleaned up a bit and at the moment against 
>what's in HEAD currently 8-)

FYI, it works perfectly here.  Just did a cvs update -dP and I can adjust
folders with group permissions, etc...

Thanks alot,  this is a fabulous feature.  This makes IMP only the second IMAP
client to support rfc2086 that I've been able to find,  mulberry bieng the first.  

My power users will love this - and the rest will be baffled, but then, they're
always baffled.

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