[imp] Big attachment problem

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Feb 6 09:42:31 PST 2003

Quoting dimitra deka <dimi at ucnet.uoc.gr>:

> Well, whould sould I do to get the attention?

Don't post messages like this.  This will not help your cause.

> I have this problem a
> week now and my users are driving me crazy!!!

Sorry for that, but what do you want us to do?  You can always hire
someone to help you with this.  Or give someone access to your system.
But short of that, all we can do is answer your questions or suggestion
things for you to try.

> Can anyone help me?

No comment.

> I can't upload an attachment!

Sorry, but it is working for me and most others.

> I am sending a mai
> for debugging and nobody answers!!

Uhm, I just answered.  I would have answered earlier but I was sleeping.

Do you really think we all stay awake 24 hours a day so we can reply
instantly to your mail?  Sorry, but we actually have lifes, and all that
it entails (like sleeping).   I have a job, a family, and other demands.
I try to make time for Horde and for helping people out, but I can't
devote all my time to it.  I'm sure the others on the list and working
on Horde have similar lifes and responsibilities also.

> I am trying to do something to see
> a message, even a wrong one!


> please give me some help here!!

See my reply to your debugging question.

> dimi

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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