[imp] Re: Strange error message with PHP 4.3.0

Dan Tulovsky dant at wetsnow.com
Mon Feb 10 10:27:51 PST 2003

It goes into php.ini.

Just like this:

session.bug_compat_warn = off


"Bruno Negrao" <imp-bnegrao at engepel.com.br> wrote in message
news:00ea01c2d116$c5d43660$5100a8c0 at egp...
Hi all, I installed the php 4.3.0 + imp 3.2RC1. I'm receiving this strange
error message in the imp/login.php page:

(from my php.log file:)
[10-Feb-2003 11:55:06]  PHP Warning:  Unknown(): Your script possibly relies
on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised
that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of
data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality
and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn
to off, respectively. in Unknown on line 0

If you read carefully, at the end of message it doesn't tell which is the
file where I can turn the "session.bug_compat_warn" setting to "off". The
message just says:  "....respectively. in Unkown on line 0".

I made a "grep session.bug /etc/php.ini" and I didn't find any match.

I know it's just a warning and it should not cause any harm. Anyway, what's
 -- Bruno Negrão -- Suporte
 -- Plugway Acesso Internet Ltda.
 -- (31)34812311
 -- bnegrao at plugway dot com dot br

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