[imp] DB Error: no such table

Miroslaw Jaworski mjaw at ipartners.pl
Wed Feb 12 16:42:45 PST 2003

* rodneys at lodging.com (rodneys at lodging.com) [030212 16:29] wrote:
> I have successfully installed mysql (binary) to /usr/install/mysql.
> I have used the script in /horde/scripts/db/ 
> mysql --user=root --password=<MySQL-root-passwd> < mysql_create.sql
> it created the database but it did produce an error:
> ERROR 1071 at line 55: Specified key was too long. Max key length is 256
> I reloaded the database fine.
> I was able to login into the database w/o error.
> However, when I recieve an email and click on the little book besides it, I get 
> this error:  DB Error: no such table
> Excuse my ignorance, I do really know mysql. Is this a horde or mysql issue. 
> Please point me to the right direction. TIA 

What are the versions of horde/imp you try to install?

Did you inspect the mysql_create.sql file, looking for something bad
in/around 55th line? Did you replaced password in
and removed 
-- IMPORTANT: Change this password!

'Book' icon leads to separate application ( turba ), you probably haven't 
prepared the database for turba's internal data structure ( look into 
turba/scripts/drivers ).


Miroslaw.Jaworski at gts.pl  ( Psyborg )  MJ102-RIPE  GTS Internet Partners SA
Servers Administration Department Manager

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